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    switch active > > Our activities > > Municipal Sporting Events

    Municipal Sporting Events

    Rishon Le Zion Athletics Stadium

    Municipal sporting event in Rishon Le Zion’s athletics stadium, 2016

    During the morning, two rounds of 2,000 students were active in the stadium.

    In the evening we organized a family outing.

    "Fitness Party" Sports Party

    We had lots of aerobic equipment: steps, balls, trampolines, punching bags, and large functional training structures.

    All bundled with upbeat music and sometimes even a live DJ.

    Eve of Independence Day, Bat Hefer, 2015

    Bat Hefer leadership decided to go for an active Independence Day event, which took place at the village soccer field.

    Families had a great time, enjoying the colorful activity zones as late as 1:00 am.

    Military Service Preparedness events

    Part of an effort to encourage youth to strive for a meaningful military service became an opportunity to simply get them in shape…

    Although the various military preparedness groups trained separately, there was something wonderful about the municipality bringing them all together within the framework of a sporting event.

    Jerusalem Marathon

    Switch Active has been part of all Jerusalem marathons since their inception, filling Sacher Park with sporting content.

    Whether you complete the marathon or come to cheer others, we’re sure to get you jumping!

    Women Empowerment Events

    Switch Active developed a unique group activity that makes use of Physio Ball’s unstable structure in a fun and experiential way.  The activity is best suited for women empowerment events.

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